Monday, November 22, 2010

My appointment to view an apartment i found online

Okay, so I had an appointment at 1:30P.M. today to view an apartment that looked pretty neat online and see if I wanted to move in next month. I found it online. I wanted to stay in my town or close to wear my friends are at, so they don't have to drive far to come see me. This town is a town next to me, but it was the way end of the town farthest away from my town, I didn't even think that town extended that far. First I wrote down the directions of the website, which was a mistake, I should have Mapquest'd it like i always usually do, but I figured, 'hey it's their own website, the directions should be right. My mistake! It was totally off! 1st off the exit, it neve told me to take a right o left onto the street, than it told me to go down 2 light and take a left onto a road. Well I ended up getting lost and late for my appointment now and called the lady and said did I have to take a right or left?, she didn't I turned and went the other way because than it must be on the other side if it wasn't on the left turn i took first, I'm on the phone with her, i pass through the 2 lights after the highway exit and it still isn't right..I'm trying to explain to her where I am and she tells me look for KFC and it's the street right across from it that leads to the other streets I have to take..I finally found it and It didn't even have a sign up for the street the directions say go to your first 4-way stop sign and take a left at a certain street a mile down..well, NO ToTaLly NoT!!..It was like 4 miles down and I look and the street name is not the same, so I figured I go down more and ended up driven all the way down to the very end of that road and at the stop sign, decided to get out and ask the car behind me where this certain street the apartments are in, and until I said the apartment complex they finally knew where to go, meanwhile I'm on the phone w/the lady that represents the apartments and she's saying "I have no idea where u are and why your on this one road that is the right road but can't find the other after the couple in the car tell me they know what to do, i tell the apartment lady "These people know where so I'll be their soon, sorry" the couple told me to "turn back around the road i was on and the 1st 4-way take a left and than right there, it will be a plaza and the apartment name is on the plaza and take the road on the left there...and said that they kept changing the signs and road names"..???'s WEIRD!..I drive and do that and see the names of the streets and they are COMPLETELY different than the names on the website, except for the ACTUAL road the apartments are on! I'm like 40 min.'s late and WAY TOO far from where I wanna live, but I check out the place anyways because it looked beautiful on the website..What I saw on their website photos is..It's a 1 bedroom with a full big kitchen and a L-shaped counter/bar (which i love BTW) and it looks pretty big..and than a big living room and a Huge patio-balcony (compared to other apartments), and 2 floors..and than stairs going upstairs and a nice full bathroom and a walk in closet (I was like "YEESSS!!..finally an apartment that's not too big that has an actually walk-in closet!!...I'm a Total fashion person and have soo many cloths, and purses, and tons of shoes!..Purses, shoes, jewelry, and sunglasses are MY THING! I have a big collection and I make & sell my own jewelry also(my personal business), so I was thinking this is it..this place is what i want right now before I move into my apartment I'm waiting on to have an opening(which should be in anytime from 3 months to 6-7 months). So the lady is bringing me to show me one of the places, which this certain one was not Renovated because their won't be one open that's Renovated until Jan. 1, 2011 (which was okay because that's not that far away and I hate Dark wooden cabinets and gross carpets, old dark tiles, and old stuff, so I would wait for the new opening for the nicer apartment)...Now this place outside is HUGE, TONS of apartments..well it happens that their are Townhouse apartments, Ranch Apartments, and Condo's. So the pic.'s on the web make it seem like it's all one and the apartment has everything in the photo's...Well tuns out, I walk into the 'Townhouse' and said "where's the big patio that's supposed to be here?"..and so I find out about having all 3 diff. places-(townhouse, ranch, condo)..and the townhouse (which is what I was looking at) has no patio-balcony..only the ranch does..but the ranch is more expensive and it's only on one floor..and the townhouse has no balcony, is a little cheaper, but has 2 floors! place turned out to be really crappy, I was VERY disappointed. From the photos on the web, I don't know what they did, but they made it look like everything was soo much bigger,nicer, and had everything. And so I wasted my time and gas and it took me like an hour to get to, due to being lost, but it still is normally about 25 min's away from where I live now. Tomorrow I'm going to an appointment at 7:00 P.M. (Well I actually have 2 appointment tomorrow, but in the morning it's a doctor's appointment)..anyways the 7:00 appointment is to look at another apartment for's actually a house and the top floor is available coming early Jan.(that's when the tenant now living there moves out and the place is finished being Renovated). It's good because the rent is month by month, no lease for a year..which is great for me due to the fact that I don't know when my apartment I'm waiting for is going to be opening up...1 month, 2,3,4,5 and ect...that way I get my deposit back~ :0)..Anyways check out the difference in the pic's from the site to the pic.'s I took of the real thing (but also remember the Renovated one's look a little nicer cuz the cabinets are lighter wood and the stove & oven are new and White colored, and the bathroom & closet are done better, but still, it's not as big as it makes them seem, especially the looked BIG on their site, but it's actually really tiny and the L-shaped counter looks wider and bigger than it actually is in person..So the 1st photos are from the site, and than the next (which I'll write in between, are on the bottom: WHAT A DIFFERENCE!! :

  I thought the living room had these doors & blinds..
I Love the size of this patio/balcony for a 1 bedroom
   I like the outside look too in their photos.
    They have a nice big pool for the summer added.
    They have a jacuzzi even, i thought that was cool!
                      And also 2 tennis courts i would play on!
 This kitchen is bigger because its in the ranch but it never said anything on the website that they have 3 different places, this is also a old one, the renovated one's look MUCH nicer with cabinet colors and fridge, oven, and stove.
   This is the club house..pretty cool...
                      And the gym
               Another photo of a diff. angle of the gym
         And they had some other extra things too..

Now here are the photo's I took, the way the place really looks (except that it's NOT the renovated one):

                  Nothing special at all
UGHH..the kitchen is sooo small & ugly! & the L-shaped counter/bar is small & not what i thought it was!

 The bedroom upstairs..I hate how it also does not have a's so open.
 The 1 decent thing is the walk-in closet on the left and than there's the bathroom on the right which is small.

         The shower head is so ugly and sux
 I like the closet except that on the other walls there should be more poles to hang clothes, instead it's just nothing, empty space...
       The other side of the closet which is bare...

 Now when I got there she gave me this which shows that it's extra $$ sepending on how many months you lease..never seen that before?!...  :o\
    Some of there included things which is probably the only good thing about the

So, that's my waste of time for half the day well, tomorrow I look at a house with 4 levels and 3 1/2 bedrooms for the same price plus heat & hot water included..and he allows picnics and things in the backyard, just as long as you ask him ahead...we'll see how tomorrow turns out looking!! I'm hopeful..It's also out of town , but MUCH's on the edge of my town, so I'm still very close to my town and the familiar areas.
Well Goodnight!
<3 Aubrey

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fri. and Sat plans w/ "chet" :0)

So Friday night(because all day Friday I had a bunch of things to do and later my momma dukes came over to watch "supernatural" with me and talk and than after he got out of work a very good fiend "chet" and I had a PJ night and watched movies and talked, and had to get up early to go to the vet for my 2 new Leopard gecko's appointment's. (I have a bunch of leopard gecko's (my oldest one "stokes" is a little over 10 years old and healthy as can be. :0) But "Hudini" who is very sick had to get checked; and I just got a new one 3 weeks ago and I always get my new gecko's checked to make sure they are healthy right after getting them. Here's one of our "PJ night" photos

 We had to get up early and take the little ones to the vet. "Hudini" is sick and VERY THIN so i got some supplements for him and my new one I just got who I have not named yet, so I call him "Newbie" VERY healthy as he looks and as i figured, but i ALWAYS check just in case. Here are some photo's on the way to the vet and at the vet and of the 2 little ones:

     Here above and below is "newbie" my brand new 1
 He's so neat, he's a morph leopard gecko!! His head and his tail are regular and his body is not spotted.

 "Newbie is on the left climbing up the and my poor little sick "Hudini" is on the right in the little box..He is supposed to be the same size as the other one because they are both about 5 months old, but he's not eating, i have to force feed him and help him out, but he was more active these last 2 weeks and actually ate for the 1st time on his own 4 days ago, 5 small crickets! I was soooo happy & proud, and he's acting more active, so the vet said he seems to be getting better now! Hopefully! I <3 him, he's sweet!'s "Newbie" looking at me like "what r u doin?" is so full of life and I have to choose a Great name for him, he's special!!! <3

   We had to go to my Ma's house after and pick up winter cloths and stuff and than went grocery shopping at Stop & shop and rented a REDBOX movie. Only $1! lol
And to end the night me and "Chet" put in "Night of the Demons"...Which BTW TOTALLY SUCKED ASS!!! I put it in the DVD and i said "Oh great!..this is gonna suck!".I was right! I gave him about 20 min.'s of it to see and couldn't stand it any longer and decided to watch sutin else. I put in "The Crazies" with was good, and than we watched an episode of "Entourage". Than "Chet" left at about 12:15PM & I went on Facebook and checked all my pop up notices and replied to all my posts and messages and then put this together..Now, as I am an Insomniac, it is 4AM. So I'm going to end this with a few shout out's to some good friends Birthdays this week-HAPPY BIRTHDAY to LOU (today) -KRISTIN-(yesterday)- Danielle(yesterday) -Vincent(11-17) and Casey(11-17)!! MAY ALL YOUR B-DAY WISHES COME TRUE!!!! So Goodnight everyone!! I'm going to try and go to bed!
<3 Aubrey

Friday, November 19, 2010

Did you hear about the new Cigarette Packaging?

So on the news the other day they were talking about how now in the U.S. they will be starting new packaging labels for cigarette's just like they have now in other countries. They have decided to put large graphic images on the packaging to warm or scare people about smoking. I saw a bunch of images on the web and i will share some i saved. They are REALLY trying to get people to quit smoking, which to me is actually a good thing. Personally I have been an on and off smoker for about 11 years now, but i quit a few times and 1 time i quit for a good 2 years, so I probably have smoked all together about 6 years. I have been on the verge of quitting recently and i did for 2 weeks about a week and 1/2 ago, and got stressed out after an incident one night and started again; but I only try to have a cigarette when needed, otherwise I'm on my Cherry flavored Commit lozenges.I have tried the patches and gum before, but the only thing that has ever made me quit is Commit.They work really well and I use them now too. Anyways, I believe they want to start the new packaging in 2011. Here is a quote I got from the web.
"This week the American FDA, The Food & Drugs Administration announced to enforce new packaging and labelling guidelines for the tobacco industry. All of this is done under the “The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act” (Tobacco Control Act), a very clear anti-smoking campaign to help people to quite smoking. The new act requires cigarette packages and advertisements to have larger and more visible graphic health warnings."
Here are some of the images they want to use:
  So what do you think? Is it a good idea? 
      I think so....